Main idea
The Alienworlds Ecosystem is quickly growing into a vast network of projects and games. I believe this to be the beginning of an exciting path that likely is going to be filled with a lot of interesting projects and events. However, for most users, it can quickly become a lot of information and might be difficult to even be aware of everything they can do and be part of.
Over the last 9 months there has been over 2000 proposals in the Alienworlds Syndicate DAOs. With the help of Alienw.com the community is able to track and explore these proposals, but it's a lot of information to sort through. On top of that, we also have all the grants given out through the Galactic Hubs Program, adding even more projects.
I believe the community would benefit of a re-occuring article/blog post that summarizes and comments on the most exciting developments in the space. May that be new proposals, events, games, apps or updates in existing ones, as well as ideas or takes from different community members. So far on Alienw.com, the users are able to find the unbiased and transparent information directly from the Blockchain. As well as aggregators of community ideas, articles and projects. But what I believe is lacking, is someone going through and curating all this information, and adding a diverse take on everything happening.
I think this content should be both opinion based, as well as data driven. And I think I am perfectly positioned to create this content. Being a part of the Alienworlds ecosystem since the inception, as well as operating the biggest Alienworlds community site alienw.com. And I have a track record of creating a lot of written and video content showing my knowledge and experience.
This content would help the current and future community members to be aware and participate in everything happening. As well as giving the Alienworlds team a source of external content to share through their social media channels.
The goal is to help strengthen the community, while also enable discussions and spread of information and updates. An attempt to give a voice to users, as well as an outlet for teams, creators, players and projects to reach out.
The main format is written content that will be posted directly on alienw.com, where quality is more important than quantity.
I will also create video content as a compliment to the written content. This may vary in form, as it might be one short video, long video, multiple videos or even long-form interviews.
But for each Update, there will be a minimum of one video created specifically for this content.
The idea is to create content when there is good information to share, discuss and inform the community on. It makes no sense to push frequency, if there is no new and exciting information. But rather push content when there is something worth sharing. My belief is that this would increase the likely hood of community members digesting the content.
The content will always be pushed on the alienw.com website, as well as on Twitter through https://twitter.com/alienw_com, and retweeted and shared by https://twitter.com/anyobservation. As well as pushed on Telegram: https://t.me/planetsannouncements, https://t.me/alienw_com And Discord: https://discord.gg/eQuYBWnRVG
Any videos for the content will be uploaded on 3rd party website (YouTube), displayed on alienw.com and with public links available for anyone to view and share.