Rescinding support for Events of the Union
Proposal: 1bc15kgvxrqe
Date: 2023-12-29
1.0000 TLM
Value: $0.0
Approved by: jbhqu.wam, 1uvkq.c.wam, ancyw.wam
Description of Proposal
Rescinding support for Events of the Union
It has come to my attention that rewards were being promised for voting for Slick Ninja by offering rewards in the Events of the Union for supporting him in Miners Union votes. Since this is in violation of the terms, I feel compelled to document that we do not support this activity which is in violation of Syndicate rules.
It was my misunderstanding that we were on the same page about the creation of a new event based community that was open to the public. I did not realize that it was for rewarding votes.
My apologies to Planet Eyeke for not researching this further. Future event and community support will be researched more diligently.
alien.worlds: transfer