Incentivize custodian cooperation by conditionalizing honorariums
Proposal: tbf2ipjw5wd4
Date: 2023-03-19
1.0000 TLM
Value: $0.0
Approved by: b52qw.wam
Description of Proposal
This proposal passing would represent a change in Neri policy going forward:
Neri custodians currently receive a weekly honorarium of 13545 TLM each for work done in the capacity of planetary custodian.
In the interest of incentivizing better custodian cooperation, this proposal will make custodian honorariums conditional upon substantive governance participation in the following way:
1.Custodians will not receive any honorarium for the week unless they attend a custodian meeting,
2. A custodian meeting is defined as a voice call between custodians, scheduled for a length of at least 1 hour, and done via voice chat on a platform and at a time and location coordinated by the custodians.
3. No meeting shall count for the purposes of earning this honorarium unless it is attended by at least 3/5 custodians. All custodians must make a good faith effort to enable all custodians to attend the custodian meeting. This effort includes, but is not limited to, holding the meeting on a digital platform that is accessible to all custodians, attempting to schedule the meeting when as many custodians as reasonably possible are available, and alerting all custodians of the time and place of the meeting at least 24 hours in advance.
4. At the discretion of the custodians, more than one custodian meeting may be held in a given week. However, all such meetings must meet the same standards set out above.
5. If the custodians fail to schedule any meeting meeting the standards set out above, no custodian will earn any honorarium for the week.
alien.worlds: transfer