#: 467


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: izay2121 | im24u.c.wam

Proposal: j3k2544ye4ta


2024-09-30 21:25:38

Approved by: im24u.c.wam:izay2121,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 460


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: izay2121 | im24u.c.wam

Proposal: 3weh4fisaji5


2024-09-16 16:42:48

Approved by: im24u.c.wam:izay2121,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

error: Could not decode action

#: 454


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: ShrimpBaguette | 5thba.wam

Proposal: sxldjgogzgkw


2024-09-06 12:03:58

Approved by: im24u.c.wam:izay2121,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 430


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Optionally Delegated Honorarium

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: sjoqsahwb4pg


2024-07-24 16:12:00

Value: $855.7

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Proposal is an experimental optionally delegated honorarium to how one sees fit, or other ecosystem activities. Please share in MSIG chat https://msig.chat/?community=veles.dac you intend on using it, or how you choose to delegate this honorarium.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 82401.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam im24u.c.wam 42lra.wam 5thba.wam 2pn4u.c.wam

Links from description:

#: 422


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Treasure Hunt Shards

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: nyrwxdy4tt1f


2024-07-01 12:46:00

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Treasure Hunt Shards

eosio.msig: approve

proposer: ancyw.wam

proposal_name: yuxtgt

level: {'actor': 'veles.dac', 'permission': 'active'}

#: 420


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Optionally Delegated Honorarium

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: t3jo5v1d11h5


2024-06-19 10:32:01

Value: $1,053.2

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Proposal is an experimental optionally delegated honorarium to how one sees fit, or other ecosystem activities. Please share in MSIG chat https://msig.chat/?community=veles.dac you intend on using it, or how you choose to delegate this honorarium.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 101424 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam cpu4u.c.wam a.d3u.c.wam 2pn4u.c.wam fr35y.wam

Links from description:

#: 419


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: nk1f2pbeo1li


2024-06-19 10:18:06

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 414


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: gbzt4u5tz5ha


2024-06-05 09:47:17

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 401


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Support the AllienWallet tool

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: yozgdb4imled


2024-05-03 05:09:27

Value: $259.6

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Support the AllienWallet tool created by AnyO.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 25000.0000 TLM

memo: Support AllienWallet

#: 400


( 2 / 5 )

Name: A.L.S.H.

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: qgdztcz541em


2024-05-02 11:29:00

Value: $869.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, 2pn4u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

As per msig chat

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 83700.0000 TLM

memo: a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam hweaq.wam fr35y.wam 2pn4u.c.wam

#: 398


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Veles Community Event

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 5hm5k1aromd1


2024-04-29 18:49:50

Value: $207.7

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, 2pn4u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

In support of a month long Miners event in the Veles Community in A.W. Discord.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: 2pn4u.c.wam fr35y.wam

#: 397


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Greek Metaverse Community Telegram, Discord, Twitter.

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: a4nguk3vgm4g


2024-04-29 18:48:51

Value: $519.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, 2pn4u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

In support of the creation and community management of the Greek Metaverse Community Telegram, Discord and Twitter venues on behalf of the communities during May 2024- May2025.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: 2pn4u.c.wam fr35y.wam

#: 395


( 2 / 5 )

Name: A.L.S.H. Corrected one to include all

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: ehzgtm2afcvd


2024-04-25 22:05:00

Value: $869.2

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

as per msig chat

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 83700.0000 TLM

memo: a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam hweaq.wam fr35y.wam 2pn4u.c.wam

#: 386


( 3 / 5 )

Name: TLM cross-chain update

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: sgp4x1sp1gkq


2024-04-14 17:31:29

Value: $0.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, 4ulb.wam:, hweaq.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 0.0010 TLM

memo: https://hackmd.io/@V5sWehZoS3yZepYoXL2G7Q/S15kRfxeA

Links from description:

#: 383


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Veles Custodian Honorarium - CORRECT PROPOSAL

Proposer: .ha5..c.wam

Proposal: i5nv1rlhqd2a


2024-04-04 18:36:53

Value: $1,173.4

Approved by: .ha5..c.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Correct proposal for A.L.S.H as per Veles Msig chat conversation with all custodians included.

I, King, will NOT use my funds for voting and will be solely used for the betterment of the Alien World ecosystem

Please use your arms for receiving and continuing extending the ecosystem how you see fit. You have stuck around with little to no recognized support-- and this must be appreciated and acknowledged. You're valuable and you know what your needs must to be met first before being able to effectively contribute to VEL and beyond. Use this A.L. S.H. to support your projects/endeavors how you see fit. As a Custodian of VEL we have trust this will be Resourced effectively. Let us know in VEL official MSIG chat privately what you have or have not done. https://msig.chat/?community=veles.dac P.S. Congrats to IPF created product tlmspitting tool! All planets have now used it. The only fully decentralized product in AW! Woot!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 113000.0000 TLM

memo: .ha5..c.wam 4ulb.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam hweaq.wam

Links from description:

#: 381


( 3 / 5 )

Name: A.L.S.H. as per Veles MSIG chat conversation

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: v1kak22ktxbq


2024-03-28 18:14:38

Value: $1,121.5

Approved by: hweaq.wam:, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Please use your arms for receiving and continuing extending the ecosystem how you see fit. You have stuck around with little to no recognized support-- and this must be appreciated and acknowledged. You're valuable and you know what your needs must to be met first before being able to effectively contribute to VEL and beyond. Use this A.L. S.H. to support your projects/endeavors how you see fit. As a Custodian of VEL we have trust this will be Resourced effectively. Let us know in VEL official MSIG chat privately what you have or have not done. https://msig.chat/?community=veles.dac P.S. Congrats to IPF created product tlmspitting tool! All planets have now used it. The only fully decentralized product in AW! Woot!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 108000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam 4ulb.wam

Links from description:

#: 378


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ktu2bwxlcrab


2024-04-04 01:42:55

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 367


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Official backlog of projects to support from Veles

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: e2mk3m14eowk


2024-03-04 05:03:38

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Amazing projects have been submitted from community members to the ipfbluepaper contest. Read about some really inspirational projects the community actually want to see built! Wow. Such participation. Such engagement! This Proposal is to support projects that active community members actually want built, not just Custodians taking guesses based on their limited understanding of the community. Congrats to all those that submitted in making this Proposal possible-- this help build the future of the AW metaverse. Great work team, for making this possible! Update on projects submitted: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation/submission-success-ccb4099684ab

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 0.0010 TLM

memo: awesome projects to support from bluepaper contest

Links from description:

#: 364


( 0 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: wb3seybcugom


2024-02-21 06:01:53

Value: $315.9

Approved by:

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 30420.0000 TLM

memo: r1onu.c.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam hweaq.wam jsuoa.c.wam

#: 359


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: 2aea2uyt32jr


2024-01-31 20:03:24

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 358


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Blue Paper Project

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: v51ri4aizumg


2024-02-07 20:01:41

Value: $519.2

Approved by: 2pv4s.c.wam:, ouz4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: bluepaper

#: 356


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWR

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: srmjo4hcqli2


2024-02-07 08:46:43

Value: $741.7

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Don't touch my salary. We have no eyes when you steal. Just don't touch our salaries.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 71429.0000 TLM

memo: 2pv4s.c.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam gykb4.wam ouz4o.c.wam

#: 355


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: 3kggnbvobupx


2024-01-31 11:05:03

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 351


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: jvil1f2syxpt


2024-01-31 06:40:08

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 350


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: tzltr1kfe2zt


2024-01-31 06:20:08

Value: $689.4

Approved by: 2pv4s.c.wam:, ouz4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Weekkly Sakarya

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 66392.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam

#: 345


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: zxsc4e14pb3d


2024-01-24 15:30:16

Value: $778.8

Approved by: 2pv4s.c.wam:, ouz4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

weekly salary

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: 2pv4s.c.wam gykb4.wam hweaq.wam ouz4o.c.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 343


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: 3vwzhfpx3fl3


2024-01-17 06:25:18

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 342


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: kcpo5ynbpr2j


2024-01-17 17:45:11

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 339


( 1 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: m5fcagsqgztu


2024-01-17 06:41:53

Value: $778.8

Approved by: 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam ouz4o.c.wam gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam 2pv.4s.c.wam

#: 337


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: jw2t51wncx2p


2024-01-10 05:55:31

Value: $778.8

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 334


( 2 / 5 )

Name: NOT accept the This CWA!!!!

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: qhnawb3cbw2n


2024-01-03 17:54:46

Value: $405.0

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

CWA- Should be agian 39000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 39000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 333


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: mmzvpduwmuav


2024-01-03 11:10:44

Value: $405.0

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

CWA- Miss CWA totally 75000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 39000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 331


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: vzzg2ouqv2pn


2024-01-03 06:04:32

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 330


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: wggetp2riwpj


2024-01-03 05:56:01

Value: $778.8

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam

#: 327


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: gp3j2ge3norv


2023-12-20 08:20:06

Approved by: 2pv4s.c.wam:, ouz4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 316


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: b5qiss4jib4r


2023-12-06 05:21:26

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 313


( 4 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: izay2121 | im24u.c.wam

Proposal: 4uph1l1fcdcu


2023-12-12 14:46:50

Approved by: im24u.c.wam:izay2121, hweaq.wam:, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 298


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Resourcing: IPF

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: i2mzxvnpeca1


2023-11-17 20:54:36

Value: $893.0

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Resources in part for ongoing projects and services provided by the Interplanetary Federation. To learn more about the projects and services we provide visit https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 86000.0000 TLM

memo: IPF Resources support

Links from description:

#: 297


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Funding: Mission Control

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ridusxfvixxr


2023-11-17 20:53:22

Value: $893.0

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Mission Control is constantly evolving, improving the user experience and adding new features. These funds will be used to improve this community project. Medium Blog: https://medium.com/mining-matters Discord: https://discord.gg/EmpMt7NDsV Overview on what you can do already on Mission Control: https://medium.com/mining-matters/welcome-to-mission-control-50369cdf7ebe

#: 296


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Additional Support: Alien Edition Shorts

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: 5mgssmluzns4


2023-11-17 20:30:50

Value: $36.3

Approved by: hweaq.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Additional Support: Alien Edition Shorts - Short videos based on existing content

to be produced and distributed 1~2 months

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: gykb4.wam

quantity: 3500.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Edition Rules!

#: 295


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Partial Support of 3 Projects

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: w5m2xrn1jdvm


2023-11-17 20:27:53

Value: $155.8

Approved by: hweaq.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

In-part support for these 3 projects:

10k - Support TLM listing on regulated crypto exchange (ongoing)

10k - 1~2 IPF News covering Top Kavian Proposals (New!)

10k - Dragon Awakening (wrap up)

All these projects are supported from multiple planets and other communities!

Veles Custodians: a great way to chat about these Proposals is msig.chat!

The IPF is pretty cool!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 15000.0000 TLM

memo: xsvou.c.wam eventservice gykb4.wam

#: 294


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: srbr4nhckxyo


2023-11-17 20:01:29

Value: $488.1

Approved by: hweaq.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

For continued support of ecosystem development. A strong CWA encourages Veles Custodians remain positive and proactive, and Candidates to aspire to be Custodians. Let's unite the differing methods we add value to our communities!

Custodians: Let's chat more about this on Veles dedicated msig.chat!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 47000.0000 TLM

memo: 5thba.wam im24u.c.wam 42lra.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 293


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Encouraging Open Syndicates and Inclusive Operations

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: c5tphtsdbum3


2023-11-16 21:30:37

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To encourage communication amongst Custodians of the Syndicates, we are pleased to announce the release of a wax based multisig chat group for each AW Syndicate on msig.chat. These newly created Syndicate chat groups rotate permissions based on the results of the weekly elections, allowing only the elected custodians to participate in the chats. We believe this system will provide a more inclusive environment for all elected Custodians.
Msig.chat was created and resourced in part by the Custodians of Kavian and Veles in collaboration with the amazing team behind Consortium. This project is currently a minimum viable product and development is ongoing.
We are cordially inviting all Custodians to participate in supporting msig.chat and open communication by completing the following:
1: Login to msig.chat using your wax account
2: Update your profile to include your nickname, description, and a profile picture.
3: Write a message in your Syndicate Chat.
Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to seeing you on msig.chat.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: msig.chat

#: 272


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Partial support for three projects

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: yspbvvxwkjar


2023-10-14 00:19:59

Value: $623.1

Approved by: hweaq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

20k per project. Partial Support for the ongoing community based projects. Supported cross Syndicate!

1)TLM listing, 2) Dragon Awakening, 3) Decentralized Chat

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 60000.0000 TLM

memo: xsvou.c.wam,eventservice,rnjgk.wam

#: 271


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: avjipkdnpktc


2023-10-13 22:53:08

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 270


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Partial Support for 3 Projects

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: lf4fz2u5j1xe


2023-10-18 23:28:02

Value: $1,765.3

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

~56k per project Partial Support for the ongoing community based projects. Support cross Syndicate projects! 1)TLM listing, 2) Dragon Awakening, 3) Decentralized Chat

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 170000.0000 TLM

memo: xsvou.c.wam eventservice rnjgk.wam

#: 268


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: hz2gh1pumnbj


2023-10-18 04:47:55

Value: $830.7

Approved by: hweaq.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

happy 4% congrats!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 80000.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam r1onu.c.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam

#: 265


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Support to meta data game

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: a5gus3ynhkau


2023-10-18 07:28:20

Value: $311.5

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

We want to shoot videos with drones and integrate them into metadata games. We will use in metaverse games that maps

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: Meta data

#: 260


( 0 / 5 )

Name: WAX-based Decentralized Chat for Custodians and MSIG accounts

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: jedhrmwxoz2k


2023-10-05 17:30:12

Value: $186.9

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

VEL - 2nd Support - 18k TLM applied towards the anticipated 500k TLM ~4-8 more in-part Proposals may be needed to support this project. Supporting in-part a utility-based chat service initially focused at Custodians of the Planets and MSIG (multi-signature holders) of various WAX accounts. Release one may focus on Custodian users being able to log in a website that hosts a decentralized chat, where they could communicate with each other in a safe, secure, moderated destination-- as it enhances the signal-to-noise ratio. This could be designed in a way to be expanded with additional feature and feature requests. Anticipated amount Resourced is ~500k TLM 450k for Chat service support , 50k for management and QA

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: rnjgk.wam

quantity: 18000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM utility support to support itself

#: 258


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Support to metadata games

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: ftnuh55fqtjf


2023-10-11 05:34:44

Value: $311.5

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

We want to shoot videos with drones and integrate them into metadata games. We will use in metaverse games that maps

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: ouz4o.c.wam

#: 253


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Support to metadata games

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: n2izdp5lebj3


2023-10-04 05:34:58

Value: $311.5

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

We want to shoot videos with drones and integrate them into metadata games. We will use in metaverse games that maps

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: metadata games

#: 251


( 1 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: dtlswfw21lyu


2023-09-27 07:48:04

Value: $1,038.4

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam r1onu.c.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam

#: 249


( 1 / 5 )

Name: TFE

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: des3mtaieldx


2023-09-20 12:17:44

Value: $103.8

Approved by: 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Mission Control

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: For

#: 241


( 2 / 5 )

Name: who a live

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: tasintkjjoqd


2023-09-13 03:51:59

Value: $103.8

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

I want to raise funds for stray dogs

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: havhavhav

#: 240


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Create Veles Community

Proposer: ouz4o.c.wam

Proposal: bazeb554ztax


2023-09-06 03:57:19

Value: $519.2

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To make the Veles community more active, more events, campaigns and to keep users active, to include new users.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: Community

#: 237


( 2 / 5 )

Name: who is alive

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: 42zbwqlgntnw


2023-09-06 04:19:17

Value: $519.2

Approved by: ouz4o.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Anything you submit here will be publicly visible in perpetuity on the blockchain. Be mindful of this when submitting information. If you add any personal or otherwise identifying information (e.g. your name or email address, among other), you acknowledge and agree that such information will irrevocably become public and you irrevocably and unconditionally CONSENT to such disclosure.
Please note you do not have to submit such information here and that we do not suggest or recommend that you submit any such information.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: YZG

#: 233


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: 2adl2n3rbzwk


2023-08-30 17:07:57

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 232


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pv4s.c.wam

Proposal: 1fmfmz3rtaox


2023-08-30 17:07:48

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 227


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Mission Control

Proposer: r1onu.c.wam

Proposal: rxrrttvujpoj


2023-08-23 16:36:12

Value: $103.8

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Support for Mission Control. Check it out at https://waxmissioncontrol.io/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Mission Control

Links from description:

#: 226


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA - Welcome new Custodians!

Proposer: hweaq.wam

Proposal: xodbncyvgct2


2023-08-23 16:44:09

Value: $519.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, r1onu.c.wam:, 2pv4s.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

CWA - New Custodian bonus.

Great work to Alien Edition, VEL Council is a huge fan!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam r1onu.c.wam 2pv4s.c.wam ouz4o.c.wam

#: 211


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Drop to active Miners

Proposer: Pestilentia | 42lra.wam

Proposal: wzkw1zudjxo1


2023-08-02 02:54:16

Value: $34.0

Approved by: 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette, 42lra.wam:Pestilentia, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

A TLM drop to active and honest NFT Point Miners, failitated through the Miners Union.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 3272.0000 TLM

memo: tlmdrop

#: 210


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Send out nfts

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: 4wvg2nnybjen


2023-07-30 07:45:25

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Send out nfts to give to community and others

atomicassets: transfer

from: veles.dac

asset_ids: ['1099885496028', '1099885496027', '1099885496026', '1099885496025', '1099885496024', '1099836469334', '1099836469210', '1099836468180', '1099836468177', '1099836468144', '1099824923283', '1099824923282', '1099824923281', '1099824923280', '1099824923218', '1099812063460', '1099783676015', '1099514306631']

memo: Send out nfts

#: 208


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Send out nfts

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: g3dp1xmoyvz4


2023-07-30 07:42:33

Value: $103,842.8

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette, 42lra.wam:Pestilentia,

Description of Proposal

Send out nfts to give to community and others

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 9999999.0000 TLM

memo: send out nfts

#: 203


( 2 / 5 )

Name: TLM Drop

Proposer: Pestilentia | 42lra.wam

Proposal: soiacq2pkb3b


2023-07-26 02:42:04

Value: $31.9

Approved by: 42lra.wam:Pestilentia, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

A TLM drop to the active and honest NFT Point Miners. For more details about our project, visit:

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 3074.0000 TLM

memo: tlmdrop

Links from description:

#: 196


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: ShrimpBaguette | 5thba.wam

Proposal: wyq3lo1oh15n


2023-07-19 18:54:36

Approved by: 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 195


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: ShrimpBaguette | 5thba.wam

Proposal: gsm3lriunw31


2023-07-12 16:07:50

Approved by: 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette, t1dbe.wam:, lnjtk.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 167


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: ShrimpBaguette | 5thba.wam

Proposal: 5lb2zs1mftto


2023-05-17 17:45:36

Value: $519.2

Approved by: 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette, t1dbe.wam:, 42lra.wam:Pestilentia,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the active custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: 5thba.wam t1dbe.wam c353u.c.wam 42lra.wam lnjtk.wam

#: 158


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Adjust Planet Dominance

Proposer: lnjtk.wam

Proposal: 5e5hfgiuz2dv


2023-05-03 10:35:25

Value: $1,038.4

Approved by: lnjtk.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Currently, NARON dominates Battledome because most players align with the planet to increase their chances of winning. Therefore, the gameplay algorithm requires an adjustment by adding a consecutive win penalty will be added. The result will be a balanced game and incentive for players to remain with their planets (the ones where they mine). This community-requested update will require moderate code refactoring and extensive testing.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: veles.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Battledome update

#: 137


( 1 / 5 )

Name: IPF

Proposer: lnjtk.wam

Proposal: ize4biwr1pc5


2023-04-14 02:44:06

Value: $0.0

Approved by: lnjtk.wam:,

Description of Proposal

This proposal shall serve as the foundation of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. A yes vote to this proposal signifies your intention to join the The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. The first 9 individual Custodians to Approve this Proposal shall be considered the Founding Members of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.

Please note, this is a living document, and is subject to alteration and editing prior to ratification, based on the suggestions of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.

Resources remaining in kavianplanet will be utilized to build the necessary infrastructure for The Interplanetary Federation DAO.

The Interplanetary Federation DAO (henceforth referred to as The Interplanetary Federation) shall be open to all players of AW who achieve the required qualifications as Custodians, as defined below:

Interplanetary Federation Constitution DRAFT


We, the Custodians of the Interplanetary Federation, ordain and establish this Constitution to promote cooperation and coordination between the Syndicates of AW, and to further the development and growth of our shared community.`

Article I: Membership

1.1 Custodians elected to the same Syndicate for one consecutive 4 week term or more are invited to apply to The Interplanetary Federation.

1.2 Interplanetary Federation membership shall last a period of 180 days. After which Custodians will only be eligible to reapply after being elected for a separate consecutive 4 week term.

1.3 Interplanetary Federation Members who are elected to a second consecutive 4 week term during their last 6 weeks of active membership to The Interplanetary Federation will automatically receive a second term.

1.4 Each Interplanetary Federation Member must stake (100,000) TLM to The Interplanetary Federation for 90 days to gain Interplanetary Federation participation rights.

1.5 Interplanetary Federation participation rights will begin on the initial stake date and will only remain active while staking is active. Interplanetary Federation Participation rights will include, creating proposals, and voting in the biweekly election.

1.6 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will be voluntary, subject to approval by 3 of 5 of the active Custodians per Syndicate.

1.7 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will require each Syndicate to contribute 10% of their weekly budget to the Interplanetary Federation.

1.8 Syndicate membership shall be considered active on the date of the first contribution and remain active as long as contributions are active.

1.8.1 Syndicates who do not contribute to The Interplanetary Federation for a period of 14 days shall be considered inactive.

1.9 Only Interplanetary Federation Members from active Syndicates shall be eligible to run for Special Councils.

1.9.1 Interplanetary Federation Members from inactive Syndicates shall be removed from Special Councils immediately and replaced at the next biweekly election.

Article II: Special Councils

2.1 There shall be three Special Councils, each consisting of 5 Interplanetary Federation Members.

2.2 Interplanetary Federation Special Council Members will serve 60 day terms and shall be elected by receiving 51% or more in rank choice voting of active Federation Members who participate in the biweekly election.

2.3 Elections of Special Council Members shall occur as part of the biweekly Interplanetary Federation Member voting cycle, and shall be by rank choice voting, where each Interplanetary Federation Member shall vote for two candidates. If one candidate receives 51% or more in the election they are elected to the Special Council. If no candidate receives 51% or more, there shall be an automatic runoff election of the top 2 candidates by percentage until one candidate receives 51% or more of the vote.

2.4 Every Interplanetary Federation Member from an actively contributing Syndicate shall be eligible to run for Special Council but may only serve on one Special Council at a time.

Amber C, [06/04/2023 23:06]
2.5 Special Council proposals shall be considered passed if approved by 3 of 5 Special Council Members.

2.6 There shall be 5 Members on the Executive Council. They will be responsible for the direction of The Interplanetary Federation and finalizing proposals to The Interplanetary Federation Members.

2.7 There shall be 5 Members on the Judicial Council. They will settle disputes within The Interplanetary Federation and determine whether proposals have potential legal consequences. The Judicial Council is responsible for the final check on proposal approval.

2.8 There shall be 5 Members of the Treasury Council. They will determine the costs associated with Interplanetary Federation proposals, approve budgets for proposals, and determine if funds allocated were appropriately spent.

Article III: Proposals

3.1 Proposals may be made by any active Interplanetary Federation Member, but must have a clear and justifiable purpose (where a clear and justifiable purpose is defined as a connection to an ongoing previously approved Interplanetary Federation project; or where it is reasonable to assume that said proposal would be agreed upon by 51% or more of current Interplanetary Federation voting members, and that the proposal will contribute to the furtherance of AW and/or its’ respective Syndicates).

3.2 Each Interplanetary Federation Member receives 1 vote in the biweekly election (regardless of how many Syndicates they are elected to).

3.3 Proposals can be approved in three ways:

3.3.1 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 66% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval (ratified by Judicial).

3.3.2 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 51% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Executive Council for approval and revision. If 3 of 5 of the Executive Council approve the proposal, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 the Treasury Council and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval. (ratified by Judicial).

3.3.3 If proposed by a Special Council Member, a proposal requires the approval of 3 of 5 of the Executive Council, 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council, as well as a 51% approval of active Interplanetary Federation Members in the biweekly vote. The Interplanetary Federation Members have final approval. (ratified by Members).

Article IV: Ratification

4.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution shall be considered ratified, upon receiving a passing proposal from no less than three Syndicates within AW..

4.2 In the event that The Interplanetary Federation Constitution does not receive a passing proposal from at least 3 Syndicates, the Interplanetary Federation shall be governed by an appointed council of Custodians of any number, chosen at the Interplanetary Federations sole discretion.

Article V: Amendments

Amber C, [06/04/2023 23:06]
5.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution is to be considered a living document. Post ratification of this document, it shall remain subject to amendment by receiving 66% in the biweekly vote and a 3 of 5 majority of all three Special Councils.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: veles.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 136


( 0 / 5 )

Name: TEST

Proposer: lnjtk.wam

Proposal: hs2nfytlgr45


2023-04-07 02:42:33

Value: $0.0

Approved by:

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: veles.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: TEST

#: 135


( 1 / 5 )

Name: IPF

Proposer: lnjtk.wam

Proposal: 2dsmrlcaozkb


2023-04-07 02:42:20

Value: $0.0

Approved by: lnjtk.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Proposal for Federation Discussion Points: Unifying Planets, Business Functions & Balancing Centralization and Decentralization

Proposal Overview:

The purpose of the Federation is to act as a unifying body between the planets in the Alien Worlds Metaverse, facilitating communication and setting up parliamentary procedures to ensure that all planets work together towards the common goal of developing the game. This proposal outlines several key discussion points aimed at achieving this purpose, including fostering distinctive cultures based on business functions and addressing bureaucratic challenges.

Discussion Points:

Balance between centralization and decentralization: Finding the right balance to ensure efficiency and innovation while maintaining democratic principles and individual planet autonomy.

Success metrics: Establishing common standards for measuring success, such as increased users and increased organic demand for TLM (Trilium).

Proposal submission, review, and approval: Setting common standards for proposal submission, review, and approval processes to ensure consistency and transparency across all planets.

Financial reporting: Implementing common financial reporting standards for all planets to maintain accountability and transparency.

Elections: Developing a standardized process for conducting elections across all planets, ensuring fairness and representation.

Multi-planet proposals: Facilitating the review and approval process for larger proposals requiring funds from multiple planets, streamlining collaboration and resource allocation.

Custodian position limits: Enforcing a rule that one person can only occupy one of the 30 Custodian positions on all planets at a time, promoting diversity and preventing the concentration of power.

Distinctive cultures based on business functions: Encouraging planets to develop distinctive cultures focusing on specific business functions, such as technology development, marketing, finance, social media, PR, and staffing, to facilitate smoother collaboration and streamline operations.

Streamlining bureaucracy: Reducing bureaucratic barriers and simplifying processes across all planets to make it easier for newcomers to understand and participate in the game's development.

By addressing these discussion points, the Federation can create a cohesive, efficient, and democratic system that encourages collaboration and growth in the Alien Worlds Metaverse.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: veles.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 134


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: lnjtk.wam

Proposal: hqoelsmlfr5g


2023-04-05 22:57:45

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 127


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: lnjtk.wam

Proposal: t2cqw5yisrox


2023-04-04 02:22:38

Approved by: lnjtk.wam:, 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette, 42lra.wam:Pestilentia,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: veles

#: 122


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Alien Worlds - Social Media Reward funding

Proposer: ShrimpBaguette | 5thba.wam

Proposal: zllth3luglex


2023-03-23 06:05:00

Value: $51.9

Approved by: 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette,

Description of Proposal

Originally posted through Alien Worlds Ideas

Hello, this request of proposal is to help Alien Worlds Indian community grow and increase daily engagement. The funds requested will be used to buy Alien Worlds NFT’s which will be rewarded to community members through events like trivia, community games, competitions, games and surprise events on Alien Worlds India channel on Telegram, within April-May. The details report of fund utilisation will be provided after end of events and there is no hidden cost for organisation these events. It will be organised / monitored by Alien Worlds TG Mods and all events will happen under Alien Worlds event guidelines.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Worlds - Social Media Reward funding

#: 84


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: Pestilentia | 42lra.wam

Proposal: wd3cpmsyywlr


2023-02-28 09:03:01

Value: $103.8

Approved by: 42lra.wam:Pestilentia, 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the active custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 77


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: xu5sksbplb1h


2023-02-23 09:56:32

Value: $103.8

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, 5thba.wam:ShrimpBaguette,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the active custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 52


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Planets Unconference

Proposer: vwiaw.wam

Proposal: szvkpd3ivgsy


2023-01-23 20:55:20

Value: $2,076.9

Approved by: anyo.cabal:,

Description of Proposal

Over two weeks, an online Unconference with live streamed discussions, projects and interviews touching topics of interest to multiple Planets.


alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: jbhqu.wam

quantity: 200000.0000 TLM

memo: Planets Unconference Proposal

Links from description:

#: 30


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: cih4weeabdrl


2022-12-17 03:24:47

Value: $49.8

Approved by: vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. Based on 10% of the planet's current budget divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG discussions. Drafting and deploying proposals for users. Also to encourage future custodians to work harder for their elected planet.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: cqcau.wam

quantity: 4800.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 26


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Essential Funding Alien Worlds Quest Development

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: eokfrwrtrm55


2022-12-17 03:15:35

Value: $1,038.4

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, rwck4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Alien Worlds Quest (AWQ) is a weekly questing system, which will bring new players to Alien Worlds, give players of Alien Worlds additional ways to earn and shine a spotlight on other games, who help provide for the weekly prize pool in return.

While we do have experienced and skilled team members for some areas, we unfortunately cannot cover topics like Web Design, Artwork or Frontend Development. For this we are using outside contractors, who of course deserve some guaranteed stability as well as a fair payment. With the essential funds we want to build a fund to cover these expenses, guarantee some stability as well as pay for other running costs like Hosting or RAM.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: awquest.2

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Essential Funding Alien Worlds Quest Development

Links from description:

#: 25


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Establish a DAO legal entity and retain a lawyer/trustee

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: mbii5na1gfhe


2022-12-17 03:13:03

Value: $103.8

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, rwck4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

It is recognized that a legal entity is important for the protection of everyone involved when decisions are being made about significant monetary amounts. There is an emerging, but as yet unstandardized, expectation for the legal obligations of a DAO. Regardless of the precise details, the advice of a lawyer should be sought as a top-priority. These funds are being set aside every week (5% of treasury funds)to fund legal entity creation, lawyer fees, and other legal obligations until $20,000 is reached or the council decides to stop adding funds. An account, velesdaolaw1, has been created as discussed by the councilors in the governance channel and once verified the owner/active key will be changed to veles.dac@active

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Lawyer Retainer Fee

#: 24


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Optional Funding Alien Worlds Quest Stability

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: nu2km13fjqv2


2022-12-17 03:10:10

Value: $259.6

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, rwck4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Alien Worlds Quest (AWQ) is a weekly questing system, which will bring new players to Alien Worlds, give players of Alien Worlds additional ways to earn and shine a spotlight on other games, who help provide for the weekly prize pool in return.

These funds are used to guarantee the TLM Prize Pool for our players. We plan to store at least 3 months worth of Prize Pool TLM at any time to guarantee a reliable service. TLM that exceeds these 3 months can be used to purchase lands to increase the amount of guaranteed weekly TLM from DTAL.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: awquest.2

quantity: 25000.0000 TLM

memo: Optional Funding Alien Worlds Quest Stability

Links from description:

#: 23


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Optional Funding Alien Worlds Quest Development

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: i31eyeuih34q


2022-12-17 03:08:46

Value: $436.1

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, rwck4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Alien Worlds Quest (AWQ) is a weekly questing system, which will bring new players to Alien Worlds, give players of Alien Worlds additional ways to earn and shine a spotlight on other games, who help provide for the weekly prize pool in return.

These funds would be used to pay the members of our team, who are putting in a lot of hours to get this project of the ground. These funds are optional as development would continue even if our team does not get paid.

Lead SC Developer: 13,500 TLM
Junior SC Developer: 10,000 TLM
Project Management: 13,500 TLM
Back Office & Organization: 5,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: awquest.2

quantity: 42000.0000 TLM

memo: Optional Funding Alien Worlds Quest Development

Links from description:

#: 16


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Establish a DAO legal entity and retain a lawyer/trustee #2

Proposer: c353u.c.wam

Proposal: 3gtkvs15n2fs


2022-11-22 17:41:23

Value: $122.5

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

It is recognized that a legal entity is important for the protection of everyone involved when decisions are being made about significant monetary amounts. There is an emerging, but as yet unstandardized, expectation for the legal obligations of a DAO. Regardless of the precise details, the advice of a lawyer should be sought as a top-priority. These funds are being set aside every week (5% of treasury funds)to fund legal entity creation, lawyer fees, and other legal obligations until $20,000 is reached or the council decides to stop adding funds. An account, velesdaolaw1, has been created as discussed by the councilors in the governance channel.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 11800.0000 TLM

memo: Lawyer Retainer Fee

#: 4


( 2 / 5 )

Name: eventdrops

Proposer: jbhqu.wam

Proposal: qima11sg1saa


2022-11-10 03:17:37

Value: $1,236.5

Approved by: jbhqu.wam:, 2doay.wam:,

Description of Proposal


As volunteer game players of the Alien Worlds game, this is a proposal for Dacoco to pay Galaktika through the Week 1 Planet Veles Custodian wallet, a game opportunity designated to the weekly custodians, half of the available TLM, to create NFT drops (non-random, post bot suppression) for communities that want to do events (such as Sharkyto's, JR's Lands and others) based on their normal pricing, as per the terms and conditions allow. The custodians accept no liability for any perceived value of this payment, it's results or outcomes in any way.
Wallet address: eosusagames1

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 119074.0000 TLM

memo: eventdrops

#: 2


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Event for all!

Proposer: xdfqy.wam

Proposal: wig2zpzqpoai


2022-11-10 07:32:01

Value: $2,505.3

Approved by: 2doay.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Use the budget of the first week to organize events with prizes up for grabs, spread over the entire month in order to celebrate the beginning of a new era in AW

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

to: xdfqy.wam

quantity: 241257.0000 TLM

memo: Finance all event on Veles